
Ground System Architectures Workshop - Los Angeles

Our trip to Los Angeles for the three day GSAW workshop has been a great opportunity to network with people in the aerospace industry. We have had the opportunity to learn more about the requirements in aerospace and gather more information about what the current challenges in the field are and how aerospace is changing.

The most interesting part of the week for me were the workshops that we attended at the end of the second day. We signed up for different three hour sessions, and did what is called an unconference. Basically how this works is people propose questions that they have or that they would like answered, with a few running at different time slots, and then everyone attends the ones they are interested in. This seemed to be a very effective way to spread ideas and let people know what challenges you have run into or provide insight as to what you have done right or wrong. I would definitely like to try this type of idea sharing session sometime in a university setting just to see what types of things it could work for.

This weekend was great for networking and getting the word out about SatNOGS and that mission, as well as learning about a potential industry that we could apply the knowledge we are obtaining through our research to.

Ashley LeBlanc

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