For two weeks this group of individuals worked hard on our poster. Now we get to be in Los Angeles listening to cool cutting edge technology in the ground station field. We have heard from many speakers about different challenges in the industry of ground stations. One of my favorite talks was the keynote presentation today given by Steven Kremer. He talked about how people can be the most important assets for even the most complex system which can be directly correlated to our project. After that we then broke out into working groups. We all went to a open source workshop. We then broke out into focus groups about different subjects in the open source realm. For me personally, I got to learn more about the open source licensing in the workshop sessions. Understanding this has allowed me to understand more about what our project is about, and how other people's projects, like the open source software cosmos, can be used to further our cause. I also learned about how instead of using one open source projects I can use multiple to help better the overall effectiveness of the design. This workshop session has allowed me to do some great networking and allowed me to learn about how to better improve the SatNOG's project.
John White
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